TPUG - Toronto PET Users Group
TPUG Users Group CD
TPUG Users Group CD.iso
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BASIC Source File
74 lines
5 randomize -1
7 cnt = 0
10 dim Rrgb%(31,3)
20 rem window #1, 100,10,140,100,"triguys"
30 for i=0 to 15: ask rgb i,Rrgb%(i,1),Rrgb%(i,2),Rrgb%(i,3): next i
40 rem cmd 1
50 xmax=300: Ymax=200
60 z = 3
70 ymin=1
75 x0=150: y0=100
80 font 0: graphic 1
90 drawmode 2
100 a%=0: peno 2
110 area (xmax-1,ymin to xmax,ymin to xmax,ymax to xmax-1,ymax)
113 gosub 400
115 peno 1
120 gosub 500
130 gosub 300
250 get a$: if a$="" then 120
260 graphic 0: font 0: end
300 a%=(a%+1) mod 16: pena a%
310 gosub 1000
320 return
400 yb=95: drawmode 1: g=0.8
410 yb=int(g*yb)
420 if yb<3 then 440
430 draw(1,95+yb to 296,95+yb)
433 gosub 300
435 goto 410
440 drawmode 0
450 return
500 x1=int(rnd*265)+6
505 xd=(x0-x1)*(x0-x1)
510 y1=int(rnd*165)+6
515 yd=(y0-y1)*(y0-y1)
517 d=sqr(xd+yd)/164
520 x2=int(20*d)+1
530 y2=int(15*d)+1
535 rem randomize -1
540 x2=x1+x2
550 y2=y1+y2
570 p=rnd/2
580 x3=int(p*(x0-x1)+0.5)+x1
590 y3=int(p*(y0-y1)+0.5)+y1
600 x4=int(p*(x0-x2)+0.5)+x2
610 y4=int(p*(y0-y2)+0.5)+y2
620 gosub 300
630 if cnt > 99 then return
635 cnt=cnt+1: graphic 0: print at (34,1); cnt: graphic 1
640 area (x1,y1 to x3,y3 to x3,y4 to x1,y2)
650 area (x1,y1 to x3,y3 to x4,y3 to x2,y1)
655 gosub 300
660 area (x2,y2 to x4,y4 to x4,y3 to x2,y1)
665 gosub 300
670 area (x2,y2 to x4,y4 to x3,y4 to x1,y2)
675 gosub 300
680 area (x1,y1 to x2,y1 to x2,y2 to x1,y2)
690 return
1000 z=z+1: if z>15 then z=3
1005 c=1
1010 Rrgb%(z,1)=Rrgb%(z,1)+1
1020 Rrgb%(z,2)=Rrgb%(z,2)+3
1030 Rrgb%(z,3)=Rrgb%(z,3)+7
1040 rgb z, Rrgb%(z,1), Rrgb%(z,2), Rrgb%(z,3)
1050 return
2000 rem The author of this program is:
2010 rem Dr. Gerald Hull
2020 rem 25 Smith Hill Road
2030 rem Binghamton, New York 13905.
2040 rem He offers profound apologies to Albrecht D▄rer.
2050 rem He accepts no responsibility for anything he has done,
2060 rem and doesn't care who rips it off.